Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mini RC plane?


I recently bought my father an RC Super-cub for father's day. Looking at the planes at the hooby shop and online kinda inspired me to give RC flight a try also.

However, rather than get a full size RC model, I was wanting to get a mini-RC plane.

Here's what I'm looking for.

Electric engines
7-10 minute flight time
Small enough to fly on a football/soccer field.
Easy to fly
Highly durable
Price approx $40 or less

It can be either ground takeoff or hand-launch
I like the thought of the dual-engine models that use engine speeds to turn rather than rudders, but that's not required.

Amazon isn't much help b/c of a lack of reviews on many of the models, and many of the RC sites don't give all the information I need to make a good purchase

Thanks in advance

Alrighty. I have the perfect brand for you! Have you ever heard of Air Hogs? Their product line is best for beginning pilots. If you are not a beginning pilot, then the easy to fly planes and helicopters are good enough for relaxing instead of dealing with those hard to fly and maintain hobby aircrafts. From what i read about the mini- RC plane, I have tested many of the RC planes that will suit you well.

The Air Hogs Aero Ace have been my most favorite plane in the product line for many years. Although one of the batteries in the plane died out from excessive charging (not product defect, but from flying over 100 times) I decided to purchase another one. This is a bi-plane, not the jet. The jet is also good. It is more aerodynamic and fast. The plane charges up in 30 minutes (or less) and could fly for over 10 minutes; depending on how you fly. I get 15 minutes out of it sometimes. These are all hand launched planes. They have dual-engine that turns, no rudders at all. These both charge from the controller. Here are the links to the products. (You do not need to buy from this site, but it is for reference)
The Bi-plane:

The jet version:

Here is the Air Hogs RC F-16. It is a fast and aerodynamic plane. Although some people have said that they have experienced problems, I have not experienced any when i bought it and flew it. It flies great and fast. The charging time is 30 minutes and the flight time is about 10 minutes. It charges from the controller. Here is the link to that.

Those are the 3 highly recommended planes I would suggest to you from my experience. I personally think that the Air Hogs company is doing a good job at making beginner aircrafts. Check them out. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message me, and i will message you back as long as you allow messaging in your profile. If not, please message me your email. Happy flights!

What is the best RC Helicopter out of these?

Andrew Y

i have been learning to fly RC helicopters, and am getting good, now i want to purchase a bit more advanced model now, what do you think out of these listed models do you think would be the best option... Majority are Walkera, what do you think of Walkera? What are spare parts availablility like? thanks
if you have any other suggestions let me know.

None there all chinese garbage.

Get either: JS TZ-V2 .50 Size Nitro Helicopter

Thunder Tiger Mini Titan E325

Or the link below has a good one:

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

i have rc helicopter question?

Q. is it okay for BEGINNER to buy 3 channel helicopter or should i buy 2 channel first? im planning to buy mini helicopter only

Which models are you looking at?

Most of the 3 channel helis I have seen far outperform the 2 channel helis. The 2 channel models are too unstable in terms of yaw stability. They often spin uncontrollably.

If you have links to what you are considering, post them as additional info (or as another question). then we can give you better purchasing tips.

where can i find a R/C helicopter that can carry two small carmeras?

T Man

i have check out, target, radio shack, wal mart...ect, and they all have the same type of mini r/c helicopter, too small to carry a small carmera.
im looking a one that can carry two carmeras or 1 lbs. or will i have to get one of them gas power helicopter for this project??

uh huh... The previous two answers are weird... so allow a RC Pilot to lecture you with a few basic tips and ideas on what to get.

If you have never flown an RC helicopter, please do not purchase an expensive RC helicopter without the proper practice. It has been known that these helicopters have harmed innocent people, especially spectators. Gas helicopters are not necessary since normal electric helicopters are able to carry 1 pound in weight.
I would advise you to get the Blade CX or Blade CX2 for your project. The blade CX (2) is a known second entry level helicopter for beginners who are getting into RC flight. I have hooked up a camera to this helicopter and it has held up in flight for quite a while, so I would suggest that. This will cost about $189.99 USD.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How can i control my rc helicopter from my pc and connect a camra to it so i can also see it out of my pc?

Q. I'm want to fly my helicopter around my city and control it from my pc

The radio control box you use now can be linked with software to a computer. Do a Google search:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=f4422cad1e203d45&bpcl=38897761&biw=1272&bih=610
You will need a high gain dish antenna to track the helicopter if you wish to fly farther than 300 feet from the control station. And with a GPS on board, the copter would be preset to return home if the link is lost.
For video link from the rc helicopter:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=f4422cad1e203d45&bpcl=38897761&biw=1272&bih=610

I have seen such RC helicopter video systems used by law enforcement, military battlefield intelligence, and professional motion picture cameramen on TV shows about technology. Now there are miniature electric copters with wireless video cameras on them for indoor use. You can fly around hallways and rooms with them. Some are inexpensive.
Wireless security camera weighing a couple ounces is here:
You can input the composite (RCA jack) video into a computer with a video capture device on USB, but I would advise against it--might not work well with the radio control. You can use a portable TV like from Viore that will show the video well.

i need to stop my heli mini from spinnning out of controll and falling?


my helicopter every time i fly it will fly up in the air and stay their for a second and then willl just spin out of controll and fall and i wanted to know is there anything i can try?
Ps> I got the hair out of the taill rudder and it still does the same thing and i dont want to spend more money on another if i dont have to so can anyone plez help me. Thanx

Which heli is it? That will help us help you.

If it is one of the bottom end 2 channel helis like the Picco Z or the Havoc, then besides hair, there are 2 more things that will cause this.
1. The tail blade has a crack in it. It inly takes a very small crack to make the tail less effective and it spins. Most models come with a replacement tail blade in the package.
2. You have a defective heli. Of the 30 or so models that I and my fellow RC club member purchased, fully 50% failed in the way you describe, out of the box.

You can also ask on the dedicated RC heli forums:

Good luck!

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Monday, April 28, 2014

which rc helicopter is better?

Q. Which RC helicopter is better,the Syma S032 or the Syma alloy shark?

Syma S012 Apache AH-64 Mini 3-Channel Infrared RC Helicopter ---NEW!
They were also the star present from Santa. The four youngsters learned to fly them up, down, forward and back, hovering and diving, with the only grumble that they had to wait while they recharged.

cheapish good remote controlled helicopter better than a three chanel? ?

Q. i have a cheap crappy 3 channel heli but i want to upgrade. i don't want to spend any more than £100 so it cant be to fancy i know... but anything better than a 3 chanel...?
and a link please

this is the helicopter i have:

and i dont want it to run on batteries like my one.

sorry but your out of luck on this one

gas powered RC helicopters are generally $750+
their also not small in scale and can be very tempermental
but most are multichannel usually 3-4

you do have the advantage of RC heli experience so you won't need the beginners stand

check out your local RC shop and ask around you might get lucky and find someone willing to sell you theirs

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