Saturday, March 8, 2014

Which helicopter should i get?


Should i get the Winner Full Function Electric RC Helicopter 3 CH With Double Blades

or Silverlit Gyrotor X-Rotor RC Electric RTF Mini Helicopter?

Full Function Electric RC Helicopter 3 CH With Double Blades

Simple Model Helicopter???


If I were to take a battery-operated rotary motor (from one of those pocket/mini fans), and attach large model helicopter blades to it (in order to compensate for any weight from the body of the helicopter), would it lift off the ground?

Better yet, let me rephrase: If I were to take a battery-operated rotary motor, and attach large model helicopter blades to it, would the model lift off the ground?

*The model will have a tether so I won't lose it.
I haven't built anything yet, but for now, I want the model simply to go upward.

Radio Controlled (RC) helicopters are model aircraft which are distinct from RC airplanes because of the differences in construction, aerodynamics, and flight training. Several basic designs of RC helicopters exist, some more maneuverable than others (such as helicopters with collective pitch). The more maneuverable designs are often harder to fly, but benefit from greater aerobatic capabilities.

Flight controls allow pilots to control the collective and throttle (usually linked together), the cyclic controls (pitch and roll), and the tail rotor (yaw). Controlling these in unison enables the helicopter to perform most of the maneuvers an aeroplane can do, and many that aeroplanes cannot, such as hovering and backwards flight; in this manner, they are quite similar in operation to full-sized helicopters.

The various helicopter controls are effected by means of small servo motors. A piezoelectric gyroscope is typically used on the tail rotor (yaw) control to counter wind- and torque-reaction-induced tail movement. This "gyro" does not apply a mechanical force, but rather, electronically adjusts the control signal to the tail rotor servo.

The engines used are typically methanol-powered two-stroke motors, but gasoline, jet turbine and increasingly electric brushless motors combined with a high-performance lithium polymer battery are also used.

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what rc helicopter should i choose?

emmanuel q

ok i have been debating on what rc copter i should get , now i have a exi 450 and a blade cx2 but im trading my cx2 for a msi mother board and a and a nvidea 540 gpu with 4g of ram from my lil brother and i was thinking of replacing it with a exi 250 or a guai quadcopter and now just found a scorpion quadcopter im torn from with one i should get cause i like all three but only have space for one so the link here is to see my collection witch is half done > so let me know what you think or opitions

Cool collection!

If you really enjoyed your EXI 450 you might just consider moving to the EXI 250, its pretty much the same helicopter wrapped up in a smaller package. If you are just interested in relacing your 450 I would just scale down a bit. Nothing lost--nothing gained.

The Scorpion is hot too, but quad copters are really best if you want to get into doing video where you need a stable platform to mount your camera for aerial photography.

If you think you may want to get into aerial photography definitely go this way.

Here is a resource that might give you for a few more ideas:

I have not tried a quad copter yet myself, but it definitely does sound interesting!


mini helicopter rc see the description?


look at that vid and tell me what is that spinning thing

They are the drive gears to connect the motor to the rotor
The small pinion gears are connected to the motor shaft and the large main gears to the helicopter blade rotor shaft like this:

IF you need to replace them, this is what they will look like:

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

how do i fix my mini hughes 300 fairy rc helicopter?


my helicopter wont work. when i turn it and and press the forward stick the blades spin for half a second then stop, can somone tell me whats wrong and how to fix it?

Hello. Sorry, but you bought a cheap rip off helicopter from the actual PicooZ or Air Hogs Havoc. The Mini Hughes 300 is poorly made. You may have a receiver chip error or some sort. It can not be fixed unless you know your stuff. So... I would suggest returning it.

What is the best mini RC helicopter?


The Air Hogs Havoc is the best mini RC helicopter with 2 channels.

Have questions? Message me!

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What RC heli should I buy?


I'm 15 and I wanted to get an RC helicopter. I've only had one mini helicopter before but I want to get an Intermediate helicopter, because I'm buying it with my own money and it will most likely be a one time purchase. My budget is only $200.00. I only want the single rotor design (Not coaxial). It needs to be durable and perhaps fast. Also, I would like it to be able to go backwards, forwards, side to side, up, down, hover, and turn left and right (for some reason I think that's called 6 channel). If you could also help me with my terminology, That'd be great. Thanks!

For 200 dollars, you could get an airhogs, but they're for little kids. search for local hobbystores near to you and see if they have something like that.

Esky Belt CP (RC Helicopter) in Dubai?


Where can I buy Esky Belp CP (RC Helicopter) in dubai?

Like this one:

i found an Esky belt CP in the dragon mart.
it's a big mall with a lot of shops inside, all chinese.
it's was created for that.
it's located after the interchange N5 on the E44 road when you come from dubai
it's emirates road E311 which crossing this interchange.
Once inside you need to spend time to find the good shop, that's not easy.
the shop is selling RC cars, Planes, Helicopters. there is another shop beside that one with a mini F1 for kids, quads, buggy.
If i remember it's located around EA... with tools, electronics department.
i don't remember how many times i was lost inside.
He has also a lot spare parts, bring some, blades for example if you're novice?


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How long do I charge my Honeybee FP heli (stock) battery for?


Okay, I got my Honeybee FP in the mail today. I'm trying to charge the stock battery (I'll charge the others later on). It's an ESky 8.4v 650mAh NI-MH (Ek1-0100).

It doesn't say how long to charge the battery for. The manual literally says "During the charging process, you can determine whether the battery is fully charged as follows:

1. Voltage measurement:
Use a voltage indicator. This is the best way.

2. Temperature:
When charging, examine the temperature of the battery all the time. When the temperature of the battery is rising, it shows that the charging is close to finish. Please turn off the charger.

3. Calculation of the charging time.:
charging time = capacity of the battery/charging current."

Why does this poor English translation not surprise me? I guess I should have known they would give me a charger that doesn't even have a stupid indicator light on it to tell me when the battery is charged.
Is there a specific amount of time anyone charges their battery for?

I'm dividing the capacity of the battery (volts or mAh's?) by the charging current.

The charger output is: 12VDC 300mA. The charger itself gets very hot after being plugged in for just a few minutes...but I don't feel the battery warming. Can something give me a time long do you charge yours for? I can see that this is going to get annoying, and I'm going to have to get a charger that will actually give me some sort of indication that the battery is fully charged.

If you have 650mAh batteries and are using a charger that charges at 300mAh, then a typical charge will be a bit over 2 hours.
The first few times that you charge and discharge the pack, it will not deliver full capacity. So the heli may be underpowered. After 4 or 5 charge cycles, it should be better.

You might want to read up on the dedicated RC heli forums.

Good luck!

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Monday, March 3, 2014

Brookstone mini u control helicopter is just hovering and not turning or moving foward or back. Any help?


I got a u control mini rc helicopter and it flew fine the first few days. There's not much damage except for minor scratches on the blades. Now when I try and fly it now, it goes up and just hovers. It won't turn or move. I already replaced the batteries and tried adjusting the trim but nothin worked Can I fix this? How? I do not have the box or receipt anymore, so if I can't fix it, will brookstone take it back or give me a new one?

I would definitely try to take it back. Is there a warranty?

How do I Make a RC Remote?


I lost the remote for a Brookstone Silver Bullet helicopter. I know that it's not a big deal, but I don't just want to throw it away. If you don't know the answer, can you think of some creative ways I could use the parts of the helicopter? By the way, this helicopter still works perfectly and the romote uses an infrared senser. Thanks!

You could try contacting Brookstone and see if you could by an extra remote. Or, since they seem cheap ($29.99) just buy a whole new helicopter/control, and then you'd have an "extra" helicopter for parts.

Trying to build your own remote would be next to impossible (unless you're an electronics engineer, in which case why are you asking?)

Another possibility is to try a different brand of helicopter, such as the Blade series helicopters from Eflite. They are quite a bit more expensive, but they use what is called "Bind N Fly" technology which allows you to use better transmitters for the helicopter if you wish. As well as the Blade helicopters are fully repairable down to the last little screw or bit of plastic. I have the predecessor to the mSR X, and I love it. Tough as can be, challenging to fly (if you've never flown a heli before) but once I learned how to do it, it is tons of fun.

the Blade mCX coaxial helicopter (similar to your Brookstone in that it is coaxial)
the Blade mSR X which is a single main rotor with a working tail rotor. Harder to fly, but much more realistic looking.

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